When we Meet Again: Adding a Health Screen waiver to your Event Registrations​
When we Meet Again: Adding a Health Screen waiver to your Event Registrations
Once the pandemic subsides, in-person meetings and conferences will undoubtedly begin again. First, it will be smaller events and meetings, likely with social distancing measures and at some point down the line, we will see larger events. How these events will look and feel is still to be determined as there are still many unknowns.
How might Registration Systems collaborate and support event organizers as they navigate this new normal? Adding a Health Waiver as a registration addendum is an excellent way to do due diligence to the health and safety of attendees. myConferenceSuite has looked at this particular feature and is proposing a simple Health Form, to be sent to all registrants 48 hours prior to arrival at any future event. Delegates will be required to answer specific questions related to their health before they arrive onsite.
General questions such as:
- any current medical conditions
- Allergies
- Mobility Issues
And, certainly during this particular period of time, Coronavirus specific questions:
- Have you come into contact with anyone who has a laboratory confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days?
- Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms-fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, headache, loss of taste or sense of smell, sore throat?

The delegate would automatically receive this notification to complete the health survey before arrival. Once onsite, QR coded validation of their registration record will confirm whether they have completed the health waiver.
Enabling a Health Waiver Form is but one way event registration technology can be used to ensure the safety of your delegates.