Does your current computer hardware meet the technology requirements for virtual meetings?
Does your current computer hardware meet the technology requirements for virtual meetings?

The move to virtual meetings has changed the type of software and hardware we need in many ways. With the production of livestream and recorded content being the new normal we have all needed to adapt. The job of specialized hardware is now being put in the hands of our trusty home and business computers. Whether you are trying to manage some of your streaming content locally with an audio-visual studio software or integrating with a web distribution tool like MyConferenceSuite’s Virtual Event Platform, Zoom etc., you may quickly find out that your computers are not up to the task. The first thing we might think is internet problems are the cause of jitter and chop but this is frequently just not the case. Unlike single video play back and running presentation software alone, streaming or more specifically software-based encoding and transcoding requires CPU horsepower and the more the better. Enter the mobile workstation, designed for handling graphics and large memory stored data processing, this class of computer has the capacity to take on the task of video and audio encoding with an affordability and flexibility not found with hardware solutions.
Specifications to look for in a computer to be used for more intensive streaming and recording projects:
- Minimum hex-core CPU
- Minimum of 16GB of working memory
- A dedicated GPU with a minimum of 4GB dedicated graphics memory
- Fast transfer I/O like USB-C and Thunderbolt
- SSD storage were possible
To prepare your company webinars you may simply need a contemporary laptop with quality webcam and microphone. For web productions, a mobile workstation may be a better fit. At D.E. Systems we have always strived to provide the best suited equipment for your needs and budget, weather you are looking to purchase or rent for your specific event we have the equipment readily available.
Contact us at: T 613.723 1166