Building out our Hybrid Event Framework​
Building out our Hybrid Event Framework
As we look ahead to the future of events, it is becoming clear that virtual is here to stay. Offering delegates the opportunity to participate in educational conferences from the comfort of their home or office will be standard. At myConferenceSuite we certainly envision and events future that is hybrid-In person and online. As this model becomes more common, pricing models for event organizers will become more standardized as well as the offerings of a digital participation.

myConferenceSuite’s new virtual portal is still in development but we can share with you a sneak peak. Some of the features include:
- Welcome Page with sidebar navigation to e-posters, zoom sessions, Agenda, and evaluations.
- Detailed Session listings and links with speaker bios.
- Dynamic Session viewing pages with discussion box, video and separate slide deck windows, twitter feed, sponsorship listings and speaker information
- Zoom connect-list and host networking rooms using zoom technology.
Not only with myConferenceSuite’s virtual portal have the ability to host pre-recorded webinars and content, but it can also embed any livestream production enabling both live and pre-recorded content. One of the main advantages of having a digital presence for your conference content is the access and exposure you can provide both delegates and presenters. In person delegates can access conference content after the event as you are able to leave content up for up as long as you like. And for those participating solely in a virtual format, they can choose the times and locations that best fit their schedules.

Some considerations for event planners considering a hybrid event:
- Flexible Pricing Model-Don’t devalue your education. In person, Virtual and access to both should be considered.
- Scheduling. Couple livestream offerings with pre-recorded content. By providing pre-recorded content you remove some of the finite time stress factor that is so common with Events.
- Open Access-consider leaving content up and accessible. This benefits both researchers/presenters as well as the audience.
- Sponsorship considerations. Virtual Trade shows are common but they don’t always make a great fit. Find ways to provide good exposure to stakeholders by having them host zoom sessions, sponsor education sessions and allow good multimedia exposure through the platform.
We expect our virtual platform will be fully up and running by end of summer 2020 and we look forward to hosting your content!